Friday, October 20

Tomorrow is the big day. Yes, it is official: I am going to the NYS Sheep & Wool festival, aka Rhinebeck. After many plans made and cancelled, I decided to train it there from the city for Saturday. Goals for Rhinebeck include meeting some fun knitterly people and buying a lot of yarn, mainly for: a) two pairs of Fetching; b) my very own Clapotis; and c) socks. Yup, that means Koigu and Socks That Rock and Lorna's Laces and anything else I can get my hands on (within my budget). I have been pining for some Lisa Souza sock yarn, but I'm going to hold off on that for a bit. Maybe next month. I had decided that I should finish at least one sock before investing in gobs of sock yarn, but Rhinebeck doesn't count in resolutions like that.

In knitting news, I have been working on my wintry beret in Noro's Iro yarn. I love love it and have been knitting stockinette in the round (normally too boring for me) frantically to see the colors come together. I want it done! Here it is so far:

More pictures from my awesome new digital camera:

And my cute dwarf hamster Esteban:

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