Thursday, October 5

I bought a digital camera! Yay! It's gorgeous - and now I can take photos of my knitting and post them here. After all, what is a knitting blog without pictures?? Here is my first lace shawl so far:

I'm on the fourth repeat of the body chart, which means I'm at around 140 stitches per row. Eeek! I'm actually really loving this project - as long as I have some time and enough mental energy to give to knitting, I can sit down and work on this without too much trouble. I did have some trouble last night because I was on the wrong row of the chart - so of course I thought, those yarn overs shouldn't be there yet! {drop, drop, knit knit knit} 'Hmm, why are there two rows that look the same here? Oh. Oops.' {unknit, pick up purposely dropped stitches, reknit row} So usually it doesn't take me an hour to knit one row, unless I lose my place. It's a good thing that I'm good at picking up stitches!

Here is a close up of the pattern ("adamas" is greek for diamond, hence the pattern name):

Uh oh, I think my digital camera is a bit too good for my knitting. I checked the shawl, and there IS a yarn over there in the center column where it looks like there isn't. All of that should sort out in the blocking, so the camera can show the true perfection of my knitting, ;) ;)

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