Saturday, February 18

I made substantial progress on my sweater last night, which means probably about 20 rows. Watching movies is always productive knitting time. :) This time my knitting was accompanied by "Monster" starring Charlize Theron. Good movie, kind of freaky, one of those movies you only watch once. Unless you are really into lesbian prostitute serial killers. I think I could handle one or maybe two of those at once, but not all three. Whoo. I love the sweater so far, it looks good despite my difficulty with moving from knit to purl. I still don't know what is going on with that - it gave me hell during the aforementioned hat. I would take a sample to the LYS but the people there are not very friendly towards me. Is this symptomatic of LYS's in general, or just mine? I think it's because I'm young, too. They think I'm knitting just as a fad and not seriously. Oh how wrong they are. I've made quite an investment in my knitting supplies, and I'm not giving it up anytime soon. Knock on wood - hopefully this first sweater won't traumatize me beyond repair. I swear I will begin posting pictures tonight. I mean it this time. Really.

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